Thursday, September 26, 2013

Broken Foot

Hey everyone! It's been a month since my last post, but a lot has been going on! About 3 weeks ago I was out for a run (my first run since I was 5 weeks pregnant, I'm now 17!) and I got off the road to let a car pass and stepped on a rock just right, and fractured my 5th metatarsal (in my foot). I went to the dr and he told me to wear a boot for 4 weeks and come back. Well, a few days ago I had my foot out of the boot at home, and my youngest daughter jumped right on my foot. I heard a pop, and got dizzy, and knew it wasn't good. The next morning I couldn't walk on it at all, so went back to the dr. More x-rays, and it's now a non-displaced break, and I have a big boot up to my knee, crutches for two weeks, and I have to wear the boot for 6 more weeks, making 9 total. This really sucks, especially with not being able to run. I don't know when I'll be able to run again, and by then my belly may be too big to run anyway! It's been a challenge to take care of 2 kids, be pregnant, work full time, and be on crutches with this monstrosity on my leg. I try to stay positive, and have managed most of the time. I've came up with a few observations about my situation:

1. When it comes time to wear both shoes, I'm not sure I'll be able to find any of my left shoes that match the right!

2. When wearing a boot, wearing an actual boot on the other leg doesn't disguise the monstrosity. At all. 

3. Everyone stares. Be nice, don't stare if someone is on crutches or wearing a boot! I'm already self conscious enough about it, without everyone acting like I'm a side show. 

4. Everything you do is 5 times harder on crutches. Every little task is bigger, harder, and takes more planning. Even if I just use one crutch, it's a process to do even little things. And I get tired easily. 

5. Pants don't fit over the boot, so it looks like I'm wearing skinny jeans and leggings for the next 6 weeks. Ugh.

6. You feel like an idiot trying to open doors or go up/down stairs when you're on crutches.

7. I look at my running shoes longingly. A lot. 

8. As soon as you sit down and get your leg situated, one of your kids will need you to get up for something. Every. Time. 

9. Being pregnant AND on crutches in a boot is actually okay, because people want to help with stuff a lot. My husband has been awesome!

10. I'm SO thankful it is my left foot and not my right, so I can still drive! 

Just thought I'd share with everyone where I've been, and why you probably won't hear much from me until I can run again!  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Running while pregnant?

Many of you that are my Facebook followers already know that I'm expecting baby #3 in March, but if not, there you go. I am almost 13 weeks now, and feeling a little better than I did in the first trimester. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was bound and determined to run the entire time, even if it was slowly. Well, that was at 6 weeks when I still felt great. As soon as the exhaustion and morning sickness started, running was the LAST thing on my mind. So all you pregnant/past pregnant runners out there, did you run through all of that or did you wait until you felt better? Right now I feel like I could get a small run/walk in, but by the time I get home at night I'm so tired it's impossible. And forget about waking up early to do it, I barely wake up early enough to get to work! I know all the benefits of exercising while pregnant, and I'm on board with it, I really am. I just need to get my body on board with it as well. Any suggestions from experience would be greatly appreciated! I don't want to gain 100 pounds while I'm pregnant! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Embrace the flaws

I posted an article on my Facebook page called "When Your Mother Says She's Fat", (and I had a discussion about weight with one of my girlfriends at lunch today), and it really got me thinking. 

When Your Mother Says She's Fat

 I've grown up with a mom and grandma that were caught in the endless cycle of dieting and weight gain, and still are. I mean no offense to them, being overweight runs in my family, and they have done what they can in their lives. But I too have spent my entire life being heavy. When I was 8 my best friend called me "Jelly Belly". I was always the last one picked in gym class. That being said, I don't think I ever struggled to make friends - I think I have a personality that makes up for it. Even in high school, I played soccer and ran track - and at 150 pounds, I was still heavier than the other girls (I was solid muscle though!) and I thought I was fat. 

In college I gained a few pounds (I'm sure all the beer didn't help), and had lost 20 pounds when I met my husband. In the first 6 years we were together, I gained 40 pounds. Then came babies, and I gained another 20. Since my last baby I've lost 40, but still would like to lose more. At this point in my life, I sincerely feel defeated. I focus 80% of my thoughts and time on losing weight, working out, eating healthy, not eating bad... and while I know that's important to remain healthy, I feel like I'm not enjoying life as I should be. I am healthy - good blood pressure, good triglycerides, good cholesterol, I have a physical and blood work every 6 months - the only thing "unhealthy" is my weight - which leads me to wonder if it's that unhealthy, and if so, what problems is it causing me other than excess worry? 

Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying I'm going to give it all up and sit around eating oreo's all day, I'm not. I will still make healthy choices, and exercise as much as I can. What I mean is maybe I can stop putting such unnatural pressure on myself to hit a certain weight, wear a certain size, look a certain way. My oldest daughter is 5, and on her birthday we told her to choose any restaurant she wants to eat at - she had one in mind, but said "We can't go there because I don't want to ruin mommy's diet". Broke. My. Heart. I honestly didn't feel that I put too much emphasis on my "diet", but she has apparently picked up on it, and THAT is what I don't want. (we ended up eating there anyway, FYI) I don't want them thinking dieting is the norm, we can't eat certain foods because mommy can't have them. I really try to teach them about healthy foods vs. unhealthy foods, and how they fuel your body differently, and make you feel differently. I want to focus on being HEALTHY, and teaching them how to do that, not diet. 

There are healthy people of all sizes, and there are unhealthy people of all sizes. I know that I will most likely never weight 130 pounds, and I'm fine with that. As long as my weight isn't interfering with my health, or my ability to be on this earth as long as I possibly can be for my kids. I want them to grow up with a mom they think is beautiful because I think I'm beautiful. I want to teach them what a woman's worth is, and that they are smart, funny, caring, kind and amazing, and none of that has to do with the way they look. I want them to treat other people equally, regardless of how they look or how much they weigh. That is SO hard because kids are naturally honest, and have no concept of weight and health yet (my 3 year old saw a heavy woman at Subway the other day and said "She has a big bottom!" She was just being honest - but how do you explain to a 3 year old that people come in all sizes?) I really hope my girls get my husband's genes and don't battle with weight the way I have, and generations before me have. But if they do, I want them to know they are beautiful on the inside, and outside beauty fades with time anyway. Here is a link to an article with the opposite thought - tell your kids they are beautiful, don't completely avoid the subject - but tell them WHY - their imperfections make them beautiful, embrace them! It's not a certain KIND of beauty, it's EVERY kind of beauty! So where is the tiny line between talking about beauty just enough, and too much?

I am Beautiful, Girls

I am trying to figure out what the root of my feelings are - honestly, I've had abnormally high self-esteem my entire life, and though I knew I wasn't as thin as others, it didn't bother me. And that's not me trying to cover my feelings, it honestly didn't - I never thought about it! It's been since I've lost 40 pounds that I seem to obsess over it, and the longer it goes, the more I hate how I look in the mirror and in pictures. It never used to be that way for me, I've always just accepted myself as I am. And isn't a higher self image supposed to come with age, and not vice versa? Where has my high self-esteem gone? Have I put so much pressure on myself to lose a little weight that I've destroyed it? I just read a book called "Obsessed" by Mika Brzezinski (great book, I highly recommend it) she is thin, and her co-author is overweight, and it's about their struggle. Even though she's thin, she has a constant struggle with her looks and weight and eating (she has a food addiction). So, if even thin people obsess about it and hate themselves, is losing weight going to help me? Will it ever end or will I constantly be trying to lose weight or maintain, even if I reach my goal weight? I also love this piece, showing pictures of what mom's bodies look like - be proud of your belly, wear your stretch marks like a badge of honor - they are the result of creating amazing little lives! 

What REAL mom's bodies look like

I can help stop the endless cycle, and teach MY kids to be healthy and happy, and not obsess about their looks and weight, and to not treat other people differently if they look different than they do. I want to enjoy my life, and not pick apart every moment in terms of how many pounds I will gain if I eat something. Life is literally too short. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Finding Time

Okay, so I'm not very good about posting on here, so I thought I'd do a quick post on my lunch break. I really never know what to say. Running/working out is such a roller coaster. Last week I worked out or ran 5 days of the week, and I felt great! This week we had our kids birthday parties, get togethers with friends, pool time, busy at work (I work full time outside the home), swim lessons, etc. so it seems like I haven't had any time to fit in my work outs. I have been absolutely exhausted, last night I went to bed at 8:45! I had every intention of getting up early this morning and running, but I woke up late and only got 20 minutes in. I'm hoping to get gym time in after work, but my husband is working late so I don't know if I'll get it done before I have to pick the kids up from school. I've been trying to stick to my diet, but with kids birthdays it's hard! We go out to dinner, have parties, cake of course. So this week has been hard for me. I know everyone struggles, so I'm telling myself to do what I can this week, and next week maybe I can get back into it as much as I'd like to. 

My husband keeps telling me to schedule a 5k for us to do, but in the summer that sounds horrible! I run early in the morning or on my treadmill because I DESPISE running in the hot and humid weather. I can't breathe, I'm slow, I'm sweaty, and I hate every step of it. I guess I'll see what races are scheduled, but I'd rather wait until September to do another race. But that would be 4 whole months without a race, and I've never went that long since I've been running! 

It seems like I go weeks without losing any weight, or lose 1/2 pound a week, but if I let myself slip I gain 15 pounds in a month! Why does it go on so much faster than it comes off?? It sucks. I guess I'm blessed with fat genes and a slow metabolism, and I truly have to stick to healthy eating for the rest of my life to stay in shape. 

I am so happy I started this blog/page because it helps me to stay accountable when I know all of you are watching me! And I can't believe I have over 300 likes on my page in such a short time, you guys are amazing! Thank you for all the love and support, it truly means the world to me! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Less Runnier...

Time: 26.17
Distance: 2.1 miles
Pace: 12:31

This was an UGLY run. It was pretty warm and humid tonight, and I haven't gotten used to running in the humidity yet this season. It was not pretty - you know, the flailing, body twisting, arms and legs akimbo running...there was no form at all. I also recently discovered I make a "pooey" face when I run (the face a cat makes when they smell their pee or poop) See close up of my in-action shot from the half marathon -

Also not pretty...

So you can imagine that face combined with arms akimbo...that was me tonight. Hot. Sweaty. Akimbo. I can really tell what a couple weeks "lax" on the diet is doing, and how it is affecting my running. I've got to get back on it. After Mother's Day...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Well, as you can tell by the title, I'm chunky and I run. I had the epiphany to start this blog because I know several people who, like me, do not have the stereotypical "runner body" but yet somehow manage to run. Amazing, I know. The purpose of this blog for me is to connect with other runners that may not be super skinny and fast, but still love running as much as those people do. I'd love to share advice, tips, running stories (good and bad) and anything else that has to do with running and racing! I have done 12 5k's (PR 35:21), one 10k (PR 1:19:28), one 15k (PR 2:06:35), and one half-marathon (PR 3:05:39). I didn't do any of these races fast, but I still did them! I'm thinking of training for another half this fall, but right now I'm running to improve my 5k time - my goal is under 35:00 (so close!)

Please follow my Facebook page too - Facebook -  and feel free to post your (friendly and nice) comments and questions on there too!